Developing Outcome-Based Storytelling Capabilities in B2B Sales

HomeResourcesDeveloping Outcome-Based Storytelling Capabilities in B2B Sales


Leading B2B companies rely on outcome-based selling strategies to achieve commercial success. The best salespeople within these organizations are typically adept at using stories to communicate the superior value their solutions deliver to the customer. But great storytelling isn’t just an innate gift – it is a skill that can and should be developed within your salesforce. With the right training and tools, every salesperson has the potential to improve their storytelling skills and their selling capabilities.

In this webinar, Bob Apollo shares the key components of a winning message that weaves outcomes delivered into a compelling narrative that convinces the buying audience to change. During the session, he will share strategies that help sales communicate value with authority, emotional acuity, and logical evidence.

Bob Apollo, Founder & Chief Outcomes Officer at Inflexion-Point

Bob Apollo, Founder & Chief Outcomes Officer at Inflexion-Point

Bob Apollo is a Fellow of the Association of Professional Sales, a founding contributor to the International Journal of Sales Transformation, a member of the Sales Experts Channel, a recognized Sales Futurist, and the driving force behind Inflexion-Point Strategy Partners, the leading B2B outcome-centric selling experts. Following a varied and successful career spanning start-ups, scale-ups and corporates Bob now works with B2B-focused CEOs and Sales Leaders, equipping and enabling their sales organisations to accelerate revenue growth and transform sales effectiveness by implementing the proven principles of outcome-centric selling.

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