
[Webinar Preview] Overcome 7 Profit-Killing Pricing Misconceptions: Avoid Mistakes in Tough Markets

For B2B companies, the pressure to discount price can skyrocket during times of economic crisis. This pressure comes from all sides: customers seeking price relief, management pushing to ...

Utilizing Differentiation in Value Modeling: Case Studies in Enabling Customer Conversations Q&A

For our April Webinar, Ole Iacob Prebensen shared his experience implementing a culture oriented on customer value at Elkem Silicon Materials, and the ways each initiative generated bottom-line ...

Customer Success Practiced Right: Customer Value – The Focal Point for Existing Relationships

In mid-March, Nick Mehta, CEO of Gainsight, was ahead of the curve in 5 Reasons Why Customer Success is Existential during a Downturn. Although his blog was directed toward SaaS businesses, his ...

Re-Entry from COVID-19: The Next Normal as the Fog Starts to Lift

For all of its isolation and distancing, April 2020 will go down in history as a month of global unity.  Across almost every town, region and country, virtually all humans have been living one ...

The Art of Designing and Testing EVE® Models Q&A Part 2

For our March Webinar, Stephan Liozu shared secrets to the soft skills required to develop great Economic Value Estimation® Models. To conclude the webinar, he answered some questions from the ...

The Value Coach’s Playbook 1.5: Competitive Intelligence, Apples to Apples

Coach to a Business Case to Buy.  Good value coaches help their colleagues quantify the differentiated value of our offerings.  That value provides a foundation for better pricing.  Establishing ...

Not a Snow Day, Not a Bubble Burst – The Next Normal in B2B

In one long month, our lives have changed profoundly.  A month ago, the Western world was quaking from free-falling markets and waking up to social distancing, still naïve to the human and ...

The Value Coach’s Playbook 1.4: Negative Value Drivers to Provide Balance

Coaching for Useful Value Propositions.  Good value coaches facilitate deeper buyer understanding within their organizations.  Potential customers have pre-existing opinions.  They have ...

The Art of Designing and Testing EVE® Models Q&A

For our March Webinar, Stephan Liozu shared secrets to the soft skills required to develop great Economic Value Estimation® Models. To conclude the webinar, he answered some questions from the ...

The Value Coach’s Playbook 1.3: Midfielders. Quantify and Dollarize Value

Coaching to Good Value Content.  Understanding our customers takes creativity and experience.  As value coaches, we facilitate our team’s deeper customer understanding not by handing them ...

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