
Should the “Competitive Leadership Model” Really Be “The Value Leadership Model”?

PWC has a Competitive Leadership ModelSM that it is encouraging companies to use to organize their strategic thinking. As part of this it asks  “How well does your business target and segment ...

Understanding Value is the Root of Innovation – A Theme for the Mass TLC Innovation 2010 unConference

The Mass TLC Innovation 2010 unConference will be this Thursday, October 14, 2010. This event is one of the high-points of the year in the Boston area. It brings together the top visionaries, ...

Getting Your Pricing Right – A BCTIA Panel Discussion in Vancouver

"Companies that priced, marketed and sold on value earned operating profits 24% higher than the industry average" - John Hogan, 2009 LeveragePoint CEO Steven Forth will join sales coach ...

Radiology in the Cloud – What is the Differentiated Value?

Remember the old X-Ray room, with doctors standing before a light board peering at black and white images with frowns on their faces? This is still what happens in many hospitals around the ...

The Real Growth Driver: Blending Commoditization and Differentiation

Economists and marketers are divided on what drives growth. Most economists believe that efficient markets are the key. An efficient market requires transparent information about prices and ...

Discounting in Enterprise Software: Challenge & Opportunity

The enterprise software industry has trained its customers to expect discounts. The list price is seen, at best, as a starting point for negotiation, and in many cases is simply irrelevant, ...

SPIN Selling for a Tough Economy: Getting Concrete on Implication & Need-Payoff

Every once in a while it can help to go back and look at the classics, and for modern B2B sales one of those classics is Neil Rackham’s SPIN Selling. Originally published in 1988, SPIN Selling ...

Read this if you Plan to Sell Hardware to AT&T!

The other morning I had an opportunity to listen to John Donovan, Chief Technology of AT&T who was presenting at a Mass Technology Leadership Council event, "The Future of Mobile" at ...

How Does Pricing Support the Sales Function?

About a month ago we posted the above question on a number of our favorite groups. This provoked some vigorous discussion, and as this was spread across different groups we wanted to pull the ...

Finding Value Data is LeveragePoint’s Latest Innovation

Once you unlock the mystery of building a value model (note: it’s much easier than you think), the next challenge is inevitably, “where do I get the data for this?”  Value models run on data. ...

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