Release Notes: February 2021

HomeResourcesRelease Notes: February 2021

New for this release:

  • Advanced Search: On the Value Models and Value Propositions tabs of the Marketing Home page, the status filters have been replaced with robust Advanced Search menus, including options to search by user, Publish or Review status, Date Range, and more. (Note: We are only now starting to save an Archived Date on each object. So, if you select Archived Date using the Date Range option, the results will only include objects which were Archived after the release on 27 Feb, 2021.)
  • PowerPoint exports may now include slides which show the connections/links between Features, Benefits, and Value Drivers.
  • When Previewing or Publishing a Value Proposition, the auto-generated Value Drviers slides (not available with Full Screen templates) will now include an auto-generated list of Variables, including all Variables which are visible in the Value Driver calculation, without expanding any subformulas. (Users can override the auto-generated list by using any of our traditional tags.)
  • Customers can now modify the default Value Capture settings for the Value Drivers tab of the Price Modeling tab in the Price Setting tool. For example, you could create a Value Driver category called “Key Cost,” and assign to it a default value capture of 50%, which will be applied to all Value Drivers which are then assigned the new “Key Cost” category.

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